Yeah, so there’s lots to write about the wedding and everything, and I really intend to do it, but I don’t know when. Just got back from the honeymoon, swamped with catching up on work and about to head out again on a business trip (internet access on the airplane would be really useful here). Overall, though, the wedding, the honeymoon and married life have been pretty damn awesome so far. Everyone warned that the wedding would go by in a blur, but it didn’t really. However, perhaps as we get further away from the day it will feel more and more like a blur.
There was some panic leading up to the wedding (not over getting married, but the logistics of the event, forest fires, missing place cards, flying chuppahs, breakable glass, missing hotel rooms and other such stuff), but everything (as it tends to do) worked out in the end.

Contrary to popular opinion (or a rumor spread by a bride who shall remain nameless), I did not forget to say “I do” or get nervous about saying it. I simply missed the cue. I thought the whole vow stuff would go on for a lot longer than it did and the rabbi had to tell me to say “I do” which I did gladly. Also, my nose started running in the middle of the ceremony, which was kind of weird (and a little gross, I guess), but my brain covered it up by then getting me to cry so I could then sniffle. I did forget to kiss the bride at the end — but made up for it after everyone started helpfully yelling. That’s what we get for not actually rehearsing or anything.
Dennis put up a nice blog post about the wedding as well.
We’ll put together an online album at some point with some of the best photos, but if you want to see some of the random collections of photos, we’ve got:
Paul’s set, with the bowtie and the light diffuser (I mean, seriously?) everyone thought he was the professional photographer.
- Korby’s huge set which also includes a pictorial description of how he and Audris nearly couldn’t make it due to flooding in Texas, and how they got around that to arrive at 4am. Korby’s collection also includes a video snippet of the first dance, but not me almost getting my head chopped off by fans.
- Dan & Anne’s photos which capture the harrowing chuppah set up process and also have a bunch of nice sunset shots.
- Merideth’s photos which includes some great people shots and some cool photos of the cup cakes.
- Amy’s photos, which include plenty of family shots (and some behind the scenes shots as well).
- Bob & Sylvia have some fantastic photos.
- Prash’s set, which includes some good “from the tram” shots, as well as a neat action photo of the first dance
- MikeHo & Thu’s photos, which is a huge set of pictures, full of fantastic images, including both some “getting ready” shots and some shots from the brunch the next day, including the reaction shots of us opening up the infamous “cookbook” (more on that below).
- Will’s photos. There are a ton of really good photos here.
- Rushan got tons of people shots, and a few good ones of the first dance. She really likes the slanted angle pictures, but they look fantastic.
That’s all I’ve seen so far (if anyone else has more, let me know). And, of course, at some point, we’ll get the professional photos as well — of which there were a ton. We knew that it would take some time to do photos, but we didn’t expect how much time, especially once we decided to do some scenic photos at sunset.
Oh yeah, by the way, if you’re doing a wedding at Heavenly and the photographer decides to do scenic photos sitting on the rocks, it’ll look really awesome, but you’ll get your wedding attire totally covered in tree sap. The rest of the night every time I got up from sitting on a seat, I would stick to the seat thanks to the sap. It took the dry cleaners 3 tries to get it all out. Yay.
Anyway, separate from the pictures, also wanted to include a separate link to the insanely awesome “cookbook” that Audris put together that includes great recipes, well wishes and amazing old stories from a ton of family and friends (I have no clue how Audris got in touch with all of them or how she found the time to put together such a fantastic book). She gave us two copies — a signed one for treasuring, and a second one for actually using in the kitchen. It’s really amazing, so a special additional thank you to everyone who participated and again to Audris for coming up with the idea and putting it together.
Wait, this was just supposed to be a short post…