Turns Out Lots Of Folks Listen To ‘All Things Considered’
Mentioned this over on Techdirt last week, but might as well mention it here as well, since all sorts of folks are emailing/texting/calling to say they heard the show. On Friday evening I got interviewed by Robert Siegel on NPR’s “All Things Considered” talking about “The Streisand Effect,” the phrase I jokingly coined a while back. It was quite a bit of fun. Siegel seemed pretty cool, making sure I was at ease before we got started. I had expected the questions mostly to be about examples of the Streisand Effect in action. Many of the questions were of that nature (though a few other examples I spoke about got left on the cutting room floor). I wasn’t expecting that last question about other phrases I’ve coined or a separate question which didn’t make the cut either about other similar phrases (not by me) that had caught on. I rambled on about Godwin’s Law for a while, but even as I was saying it I knew I hadn’t done a great job describing it, so I was pretty happy that got cut. Either way, it’s been nice to discover just how many people listen to All Things Considered — and I’m glad I didn’t make a total fool of myself (thanks, in part, to the NPR editors).
Mike Masnick on March 3rd, 2008
Heh. I showed that comment to my wife and she said “well, just wait until they see you…”
ADAM B on March 5th, 2008
Yes, you did in fact sound cute.
ADAM B on March 9th, 2008
Cool interview.
ADAM B on March 9th, 2008
Mike, feel free to consolidate my useeless replies. I was checking out the page and saw that my first insightful comment was missing, so I reposted only to find that it was there in hiding after all. Sorry for littering.
COD on March 3rd, 2008
I blogged about it and my one comment indicated that you sounded cute. So you got that going for you. The comment was from a female.